We do not capture or store any personal information about individuals who access our website, except where you choose to give us your personal details via email or by enquiring about any of our products. In these latter cases, the personal information you give us may be used by Osstem UK in providing you current and future information about products and services described in our website unless you request us not to. We are a distributor of Hiossen Implant and we may use address information for marketing purposes unless you request us not to. You have the right to know about the personal information Osstem UK holds about you. You also have a right to have your data corrected. Please address your requests and/or queries about your data to Osstem UK sends cookies from this website to monitor the IP (Internet Protocol) addresses of visitors to work out which pages are the most popular and to know how often visitors return. The cookies are also used to help us recognise if we have asked you to participate in online market research, which then prevent you from having to enter duplicate information. However, we never use cookies to store any information about you such as your name, membership number or other personal data. For more detailed information on the cookies we store and what they’re used for, please read our Cookie Policy. What will the information be used for? Our uses include marketing and very occasionally, we may also share information with other companies associated with Osstem UK for the same purpose. These are usually companies with whom we have a business relationship – see ‘Your rights’ below. We will use the information we collect for analytical purposes, and to assist us in improving our website, processes, products and services. We will use information to safe-guard against fraud and money laundering. We are required to report details of some suspicious activities to the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA). We may also use other companies to help us provide services to you and to store your information. Many of these are companies situated within Europe and share a business relationship with us. Your rights Osstem UK is committed to delivering the rights that the Data Protection Legislation* and Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations provides to individuals. Amongst these are:
- the right to object to your personal information being used for direct marketing. Where possible we will ensure we obtain your consent before undertaking marketing
- the right to request a copy of the personal information Osstem UK holds about you. To do this, please write to us with full details of what you require enclosing a cheque or postal order for £10 payable to Osstem UK, at the following address: Osstem UK, 4 Spitfire Close, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon, PE29 6XY.
Errors and omissions If you believe that there may be an error in any of the information that you have submitted via this website, please send an email to: We will review our records as soon as possible. Consent We do not intentionally collect any information via this website from children under 16 years of age, and unless the information was collected in connection with a policy claim, shall delete the details when a parent or guardian notifies us that details have been obtained from their child. Additional information We will amend this privacy statement from time to time and for this reason, it is valid until the end of the day that you viewed it. We recommend that you read this statement regularly. *Data Protection Legislation: means the following legislation to the extent applicable from time to time: (a) the Data Protection Act and any other national laws implementing Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC) and the Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications (2002/58/EC); and (b) with effect from 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) (GDPR); and (c) any other similar national privacy law as amended from time to time;