Surgical Kits

485 Kit
The 485 Kit is used for Safe Placement of Short Implants in the Mandible.
The round shape of the drill prevents damages to the mandibular nerve.
Safe drilling is possible despite insufficient bone height.
Less chair time thanks to simple drilling sequence.
Why 485 Kit?
Safe Drilling is possible despite insufficient Bone Height thanks to the stoppers
Less Chair Time
Less Chair time thanks to SIMPLE DRILLING SEQUENCE. 2 Time drilling is enough in normal bone and hard bone
Prevents Damage
The tip of 485 drills are round, therefore not damaging the inferior alveolar nerve
What makes the 485 Kit so special?

Safe Drilling is possible despite insufficient Bone Height thanks to the stoppers
safe drilling for short implants is possible thanks to the stoppers (1mm extra room minimizes interference of surrounding bone)
no damages to nerves despite insufficient bone height of less than 6mm
Less Chair Time thanks to simple Drilling Sequence
2 time drilling is enough in normal bone and hard bone

Prevents Damages to Inferior Alveolar Nerve thanks to its Round Shape of the Drills
The tip of 485 drills are round, therefore not damaging the inferior alveolar nerve
Line-up of Fixtures which can be placed with the 485 kit